Sparkling windows, clear views! Let our professional window cleaning services brighten your home or office with spotless, streak-free results.
Maximize your energy efficiency with our expert solar panel cleaning services—boost performance and extend the life of your panels with a spotless shine!
Keep your home safe from water damage! Our professional gutter cleaning ensures smooth drainage and protects your property from costly repairs.
Say goodbye to unwanted birds! Our bird proofing services protect your home from nests, damage, and mess while keeping your property safe and clean.
Restore the beauty of your concrete surfaces! Our concrete cleaning services remove grime, stains, and buildup, leaving your driveway, patio, or walkway looking brand new.
Revitalize your home with our expert washing services! From soft washing your exterior to pressure washing driveways and patios, we remove dirt, grime, and stains for a spotless, refreshed look.
Whether you have questions or need assistance, our team is here to provide the support you need every step of the way.
Coachella Solar Service provides professional solar panel cleaning and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Our expert solutions help extend the lifespan of your solar system, keeping it running at its best year-round
Expert Solar Panel Cleaning
Boost Energy Efficiency
Extend Panel Lifespan
Eco-Friendly Solutions
Affordable Pricing
Reliable, Local Service
Our clients love how our expert solar panel cleaning services boost their system's efficiency and extend the life of their solar panels. Here's what they have to say!
“I’ve used several cleaning services for my home, but nothing compares to the amazing job this team did. Their solar panel cleaning service increased our energy efficiency right away! They also cleaned our windows and gutters, and everything looks spotless. Highly recommend for anyone looking to keep their home and solar panels in top condition!
“The team at Coachella Solar Service was fantastic. They cleaned my gutters and performed soft washing on my home’s exterior, making it look brand new. I also had bird-proofing done around my solar panels to prevent any damage, and the results are great. Professional, quick, and affordable service!
“Excellent service from start to finish. I had both pressure washing and concrete cleaning done on my driveway and patio, and the transformation was incredible! I also took advantage of their solar panel cleaning service, which helped restore the efficiency of my panels. I’ll definitely be using them again for regular maintenance.
We offer clear and competitive pricing for all our services, ensuring you get the best value without hidden fees.
For 17 Panels or Less
Boost Efficiency
Maximize Output
Eco-Friendly Service
Prevent Damage
Increase Longevity
Professional Cleaning
For 17 Panels or More
Boost Efficiency
Maximize Output
Eco-Friendly Service
Prevent Damage
Increase Longevity
Professional Cleaning